Monday, October 17, 2011

Orek Tempe"Indonesian Traditional Food

tempe is a confectionary made from soy beans are fermented, and contains vitamin K preventing Osteoporosis, more often in tempe in sports with tempe orek confectionary, food delicious according to my tongue, of the material to make it simple and easy. the following ingredients, 1.Cayenne in thin slices 2.chopped garlic 3.galangal how to cook it easy,cut tempe into small pieces and cook for a while, and let sit, then heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, and FRY garlic until fragrant smell, and then enter a white iris, then already in slices of chilli pepper to taste, then enter and salt to taste and then add thesoy sauce is sweet, do not forget to adda little water, wait until boiling, then enter the tempe already fried in slices and stir until the last level and flavor seep into , after which it will, and ready for eating may be useful


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